You should pay careful attention to your furnace if it starts to exhibit symptoms of difficulty sustaining a comfortable temperature. That makes it possible to solve many minor issues before they become costly service calls. Look through this list for unusual indicators that your furnace is breaking down.

Buildup of Moisture

Inadequate ventilation may be the cause of any damp patches on the walls, ceilings, or windows in particular rooms of your house. Stagnant or moist air suggests that the furnace or its vents are malfunctioning.

Unsettling Noises

Furnaces typically produce some noise while they are operating. However, a growing degree of tremor, rattle, and roll during your furnace cycle may indicate some mechanical components loosening. Then, it is time for a furnace repair or tune-up.Also, your furnace might alert you to potential bigger issues if the noises suddenly stop, leaving notably long stretches of quiet.

Carbon Monoxide Leaks

Carbon monoxide leaks are a dangerous indicator of a failing furnace. Phantom sounds, hallucinations, and a general sense of discomfort can all be signs of the sneaky killer carbon monoxide. Other symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this potentially fatal issue: install a carbon monoxide detector and maintain your home’s heating and cooling system.

Cold Areas

If you notice that certain rooms in your house are colder than others, it’s probably because your furnace isn’t producing enough heat to keep the entire house warm, or it can’t sustain the push/pull action of the vent system to move warm air around.

Thermostat Tweaking Constantly

Call a technician to examine the furnace and thermostat if you and your family are continuously adjusting the unit (mechanical or digital) to find a comfortable temperature. It’s possible that the furnace is overworking itself and cannot keep up with your house’s heating needs, or it might be the problematic thermostat.

Color of the Burner Flame

Watch the flame as it ignites the next time you turn on your natural gas furnace. (Some types come equipped with peepholes, so you may monitor the flame’s condition without opening the service door.)

Yellow flames are generally the result of a filthy burner, and the color signifies that the gas isn’t burned off entirely. This indicates that your furnace isn’t heating as efficiently as it should be and that there may be a problem with how it vents the carbon monoxide (CO) it produces.

High Utility Bills

Your utility bills may increase due to various factors. Your furnace may have to work considerably harder than usual in freezing weather. Still, deeper issues may be at play if the furnace has trouble operating even in moderate temperatures. The first thing to do is to make sure your furnace filter is clean. A filthy filter can restrict airflow and force your furnace to work harder to change the temperature, even slightly. That’s hard on your furnace and harder on your energy bills.


Schedule a professional furnace inspection and repair if you notice any of the above signs.

Sudarsan Chakraborty
Sudarsan Chakraborty
Articles: 147